When you need help for things that are not working in your family.

Despite your hard work, problems continue to pop up for you.  You might consider your family disorganized or even chaotic.  You have noticed a shift in your child or children and are concerned, it may be caused from a divorce or a loss in the family, or other events that cause stress and trauma.  

You are worried.

You are worried about their socialization and they seem to just not be themselves.  Friends, family and maybe even teachers are expressing their own concerns regarding your child.  You are not sure if it's your parenting or what more you can provide your child.  

This is scary and overwhelming and it takes a lot of courage to admit that this is really happening in your family.  Parts of you are shaming, saying that you are failing or that you are not enough.  There is hopeful parts too that believe that things can be different. 

You can find the hope you have longed for.

Through therapy, you can find connection and warmth in your interactions that foster confident children who can verbalize their experiences and access fulfillment of their needs.  Together in this journey of therapy, you can find ways to help and nurture your family.  Parents have the wonderful and seemingly daunting task of instilling values and greatness in their children to confidently enter the world with lasting relationships and hold their own worth.   This hope and truth is possible and in your courageous efforts, can become your experience.

For questions, please contact me at cathrinestipemft@protonmail.com.