What if it's me?

This is one of the most vulnerable and scary questions to ask.  

Many parents don't even want to go there.  When I work with parents, I believe that they have enough people in their lives highlighting their mistakes and failures.  I will not be another person to do the same.  I believe in finding parents' strengths and creating ways for them to foster positive interactions that benefit their children and help them feel enlivened in their parenting.  I am not going to further prosper the blame game, but help parents in their daunting task of raising their children and create an atmosphere of support and encouragement.

I offer individual sessions for parenting as well as consultations.  

For mom's who would like more support and engagement, I offer a group for mothers and their preschoolers that you can find out more information here.

What if my whole family needs help?

I offer sessions for family members to come in and work together towards a connectedness and acceptance of each member in the family.  Family is displayed as dysfunctional in media and TV as though dysfunction is the new normal.  However, the chaos and inconsistency causes strain on each member in the household.  You may even be experiencing that it is overwhelming and disorganizing to live and attempt to function in the chaos around you.  There is hope.  In family sessions, you can find understanding and connection that creates love and brings joy to daily living.  


You can enquire about any of these services through email at cathrine@cmstherapy.com or by contacting me at cathrine@cmstherapy.com.