
Concerns, treatment and its focus will look different for everyone that comes in.  With children, it can appear or be reported as play; however therapy works in the communication that the client can provide, thus being play for younger clients and talk therapy for adults.  I have a special interest and passion in working with children, however am not limited to this population.  I can provide family sessions and can meet with you to discuss concerns as related to parenting

Does my child need therapy?  Is this the right thing?

Children's struggles are as unique as your child, however can appear in confusing behavioral responses that could be considered acting out or withdrawing.  A main indicator for many parents to seek help is that they report noticing something is not right.  Their child is not acting the same way that their child used to act and struggles in wondering whether this is a personality development or if it's a realistic concern.  

These changes can be characterized as aggression, irritability, chaotic behavior, meltdowns or tantrums unrelated to their chronological age, nightmares, or shyness and withdrawing from social engagement.  It could be interrupting their sleep or their rituals (dressing, eating, school routine, etc.). 


If you are noticing something similar or have concerns that are not addressed by this page, please contact me for a consultation at